
First Aid Webinar Announcement

First Aid and CPR in Egypt page is proud to announce its first webinar workshop on first aid! FOR FREE! We will discuss how to recognize and treat life threatening situations. Also, there will be time for any questions that you might at the end of the webinar. Note that this is a basic workshop. … Read more

Preparing for an Emergency

Suggested list in preparation for June 30th -and any similar emergency: – Keep the number of the nearest hospital handy (near the phone or on the fridge).– For family members with a medical condition, share the number of their doctor with others.– Buy extra supplies of medicine for those with a medical condition (heart, diabetes, … Read more

It’s Summer! Prevent Dehydration

What is Dehydration:Dehydration is the excessive loss of water -without any intake to compensate it. Untreated, dehydration can be fatal as it can lead to death. Children, elderly people and patients with chronic diseases are very vulnerable to dehydration. The causes of dehydration are various :fever, diarrhea and increased sweating are some examples. How to … Read more

First Aid and CPR Courses Announcement

For those who expressed interest in taking first aid and CPR course here is your chance to take one in Zamalek with Nun Center! The available courses are –        Primary care and basic CPR (25 May) –        Care for Children (1 June) –        AND *drums rolls* you can send your child for a basic first … Read more

Facebook Page!

And here it is! The facebook page of First aid and CPR in Egypt: Help Save a Life! Don’t forget to “like” the Facebook page.

The Jaws of Life: The Newest Technology in Town

Yes, you read it correctly, the “Jaws of Life” is the newest tool to reach vehicle victims within minutes. I find the oxymoron quite interesting (maybe because I associate the word “Jaws” in a negative way). Gadget people you are going to love it! The Jaws of Life is a collection of mega hydraulic tools such as cutters and … Read more

My Published Article on First Aid

Thought to share my published article on basic safety and first aid techniques.Article was published in a local community magazine in Cairo. Happy reading and stay safe! Add caption