Why AEDs? لماذا جهاز إزالة الرجفان؟
English Below/اللغة الإنجليزية في الأسفل بعد الحادث المؤسف في أحد النوادي الرياضية في القاهرة. نحب أن نسلط الضوء على أهمية وجود أجهزة إزالة الرجفان Defibrillators للاستخدام العام وخصوصاً في المناطق التي فيها تجمعات كبيرة. أجهزة إزالة الرجفان Automatic External Defibrillators(AED) هي آلات محمولة يمكن استخدامها من قبل أي شخصوبالأخص المستجيبين الأوليين. الجهاز يعطي صدمة كهربائية للقلب ويمكنه جعل القلب ينبض مرة أخري. … Read more
Signs of Mental Distress
Arabic below/الترجمة بعد الإنجليزي With Mental Health awareness month, we are sharing some signs on how to recognize if someone is in mental distress? A friend or family member, how can you recognize that this is something serious? Remember to check on your loved ones, showing concern and care makes all the difference to those in … Read more
Elite Instructor Award
Honored to be awarded by Emergency First Response the 2020 Elite Instructor award. To many more workshops and trainings!
How do you express yourself?
When talking about mental health it is important to include children and encourage them to express themselves early on in their young lives.
Why Take a Certified Course?
Our courses provides more than a wall certificate. So what differentiates our certified courses? They are internationally recognized and are globally accredited. Our courses will give you the confidence to care when a medical emergency arises. We teach in non stressful environment that focused on knowledge retention. Our curriculum is updated with the latest guidelines and technologies … Read more
Season’s Greetings
Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and blessed 2021. 2020 has been a tough year for everyone but we made it! We are grateful for the support you have provided us, whether it was attending a course or sharing/liking our social media posts. These mean the world to us and we are extremely grateful. Stay safe … Read more
We are on LinkedIn
Great news! We are happy to announce that we are on LinkedIn now. You can follow all our news and updates by just clicking here to follow the account.
Announcing First Aid for Mental Course
We are happy to announce our latest course: First Aid for Mental Health. Available for the first time in Egypt. More details will follow. Make sure to follow our facebook and instagram accounts.