We Are Hiring
Are you resourceful and creative? Are you passionate about social media? Do you want to be instrumental in spreading awareness of first aid and mental health? Do you want to design and implement marketing campaigns? If you are a fast learner and want to learn about the first aid sector, we have an amazing work … Read more
World Bipolar Day
Today world bipolar day, which is celebrated on Vincent Van Gogh’s birthday. 🎨 🎨 🎂 🎂
First Aid Mental Health
Participants who take the first aid for mental health course will be able to further advocate for mental health and mental health awareness.
Why take a first aid for mental health course? اسباب المشاركة في دورة تدريب الاسعافات الاولية للصحة النفسية؟
6 reasons, why you should take a first aid for mental health course:
– Mental health problems are common: around 13% of the world population are affected. That means one of seven people you meet have a mental issue.
Course Updates
Did you know that our International Certifications are electronic now? You will receive them within 48 hours after your course completion! In addition, the theoretical sections of our Emergency First Response courses can be offered online. This means you will learn the theoretical part independently, then attend a couple of hours for face to face … Read more
New Mental Health Collaboration
We are super excited to be collaboration with EMPWR on mental health. We are partnering with them to bring and disseminate our First Aid for Mental Health Workshops. This will help spread mental health awareness in the region and fight the stigma surrounding it.
Collaboration With Johnson and Johnson
Proud to be part of the collaboration with Johnson Baby Academy initiative. There are several episode tackling motherhood and child related topics. There is a full episode here on first aid and emergencies related to children and infants. Click here for the full episode.
مخاطر الاختناق للأطفال تحت سن الأربع سنوات!
كما تعلمون ممكن الأطفال أن يختنقوا الطعام وذلك اثناء نموهم الطبيعي لحين يتعلموا كيف يمضغون طعامهم بشكل صحيح. بالنسبة للأطفال الذين تقل أعمارهم عن 4 سنوات ، قد لا تتطور هذه المهارة بصورة كاملة وبعض الأطعمة قد تكون كبيرة بالمقارنة بالقصبة الهوائية. تذكر الأطفال ان في ذلك العمر ليس لديهم حتى الضروس (الاسنان) لمضغ وطحن … Read more
Article By Discover Egypt Magazine
Another lovely article, covering our work in first aid and mental health training in the region. Thank you Discover Egypt Magazine and for supporting small bussiness! Read the full article here through this link.