Your Survival Kit

Many people have been asking about buying a first aid kit. This author believes it is best to build your own first aid and “disaster” kit. This includes emergency items that are essential for your survival in case of a disaster such as a power cut, earthquake, etc…
You can add up to this list as much as you need or see fit.
You will need to take the following precautions:
-Regularly check your kit, especially electronics and devices with batteries.
– Keep and inventory of the medications with their expiry date, in order to replace them.
-Have a kit available in different places, home, work and car.
-keep your kit in a cool, dry place away from the sun.
-If you don’t have a box, use one of the cooling camping bags that used to store food and maintaining its temperature.

Your Kit:
          Bandages (different sizes) and different types (adhesive and rolling ones)
          Sterilized dressings and gauze pads(different sizes)
          Cotton buds and swabs
          Adhesive tape
          Latex gloves
          Antihistamine ointment
          Antibiotic ointment
          Anti diarrhea and rehydration medication
          Charcoal based pills
          Antiseptic spray
          Tweezers and scissors
          Keep extra prescribed medication for those with a medical condition
          Alcohol wipes and antibacterial gel
          Emergency blanket
          Plastic bags –to throw out contaminated items
          Copy of your CPR and first aid manual or brochure with instructions
Extra Items
-Flash light with extra batteries
– Multipurpose tool
-Local Maps
-Extra cell phone with charger
– Whistle -to call for help- and compass
-Matches and candles
-Duck tape
– Small fire extinguisher

And most importantly, keep calm and don’t panic.
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