
Volunteering at Orange Bike Day!

Happening this week is the Orange Bike day which is organized the Embassy of the Netherland in Egypt every year. This is a yearly community event where over 1000 people bike around in Cairo in order to encourge this lifestyle and sport. We are pleased to be participating and volunteering as first aiders at this … Read more

November First Aid Courses!

We are happy to announce the start of the season in collaboration with Nun Center in Zamalek (Primary care with AED).About the CourseEmergency First Response Primary Care teaches participants how to respond to life-threatening emergencies Primary Care skills taught in this course:Scene Safety Assessment Universal Precautions: Communicable Disease Protection, including barrier use, Primary Assessment, Rescue Breathing, Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation … Read more

Happy Eid everyone and enjoy your vacation! كل عام وانتم بخير! عيد سعيد.      

September Couses!

Hope you all had a lovely summer! We start the new fall season with an awareness session on first aid for children’s emergencies, this workshop is organised with Flow Center and will be held on the 27th of September. Contact them for registration and other details. Finally, don’t forget to subscribe to our Facebook page for more … Read more

How learning CPR and First Aid can help save a live تعلم الاسعافات الاولية ممكن تنقذ ارواح الناس

Arabic text below Yesterday, I was driving on the Mehwar to 6 October city, and towards the end of the highway a man was lying on the ground with his motorcycle next to him. Of course there were half a dozen people gathered around him and no medics on site. It looked serious as he … Read more

Test Your Medical Knowledge!

Came accross this great online quiz to test your medical emergency knowledge.Click here! This is a great way to keep updated and remember this type of information. Stay safe and don’t forget to subscribe to our Facebook page. Click here.

Published Work: CPR and First Aid for Children-Part 1

Hope all is well during your summer holidays. For this occasion, I am sharing a published article about First aid and CPR for children. Keep an eye on part 2!  Stay safe and don’t forget to subscribe to our Facebook page. Click here.

مجموعة مقالات عن الاسعافات الاولية

ديه مجموعة مقالات باللغة العربية عن الاسعافات الاولية للحروق والجروح واصابات العيون وكيفية تجميع حقيبة الاسعافات الاولية. وللمزيد من المعلومات يمكنك متابعه صفحتنا هنا.