Road Safety Tips: Safe Drive Stay Alive

We have been asked recently about road safety. According to the latest statistics from the World Health Organization, 53% of traffic accidents in Egypt occur in highways and 75% of the victims are males.

Stay safe and don’t forget to follow our “Help Save a Life” page

Road Safety Tips


While Driving
1.       Do not use your mobile phone.
2.       Use the seat belts in the front and back seats.
3.       Do not drink and drive.
4.       Keep your eyes on the road.
5.       Do not take your problems with you when driving.
6.       Do not drive if tired or sleep deprived.
7.       Beware of medications that can impair your diving abilities.
8.       Do no drive when you are sick or injured.
9.       Always observe and anticipate other road users.
10.   Check tire pressures and check tires for damage or wear.
11.   Check that all lights are working.
12.   Check that the windshield wipers are working properly.
13.   Check oil, fluids and filters regularly.
14.   Have the exhaust system checked if it sounds noisy or rattles.
15.   Have your vehicle cleaned inside and out.
16.   Be alert near parked cars.
17.   Use your distance.
18.   Always adhere to the speed limits.
19.   Let a tailgater pass you.
20.   Check and adjust your mirrors an find your blind spots.
21.   Take extra care to make sure the way behind you is clear when in reverse motion.
22.   At intersections, yield the right of way to vehicles approaching from the right.
23.   When following another vehicle leave enough space to stop safely if the other vehicle stops suddenly.
24.   A safe following distance is 2 seconds behind the vehicle in from of you.
25.   Leave more distance when your vehicle is heavily loaded.
26.   Leave more space when you follow a light vehicle such as motorcycles.
27.   Do not make sudden lane changes, use signals.
28.   Do not crowd your driving space with passenger or belongings.
29.   Obey speed limits and all sings and signals.
30.   Lower your speed in bad weather, heavy traffic of construction zones.
31.   Slow down when driving at night especially in unlit paths.
32.   If a train is coming, stop at least five meters away from the nearest gate or rail.
33.   Never race a train to the crossing.
34.   Avoid shifting gears in a railway crossing.
35.   Do not compete or succumb to road rage.
36.   Leave traffic enforcement to the police.
37.   Say sorry if you make a mistake.
38.   If you think you are being followed, do not go home. Drive to the nearest police station or busy place.
39.   Do not carry a defensive weapon because it might provide an assailant.
40. Keep a first aid kit with you in your car and renew your training.